Frequently Asked Question
Open a ticket from your server
Last Updated 9 years ago
Open a ticket from your server
This page explains how to open a ticket from your server. In addition, you can optionally attach a diagnostic dump, and provide access to your server should it be required. These instructions do not work on older versions of BlueOnyx. If you are unable to follow this process, just open a ticket via this support site.Create a diagnostic dump (Optional)
Go to SoftwareUpdates -> Support -> SOS-Report, tick the checkbox, and click SAVEThis will generate a diagnostic report to help us solve your problem. Be patient, it will take a while to gather all of the data.
Open a ticket
If this is your first support request, please update the settings page...Go to SoftwareUpdates -> Support -> Settings. Fill in your name, and click SAVE
Now, go to SoftwareUpdates -> Support -> Support Request
Fill in some details describing your problem. Click the box to send the SOS report diagnostic information if you created this earlier.